البحث المتقدم

The Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Education. no. 17, January 2021

النوع عدد
متغيرات العنوان المجلة العلمية لكلية التربية.ع. 17، يناير 2021 [عدد من دورية]
الصفحات 190 p.
المصدر The Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Education
المكونات A., Lal C. Continuous professional development of ESL teachers
Hariharan, B. The diary an English teacher did not keep
Shanavas, S.A. Role of linguistics in language teaching
Bajaj, Mansi. Teaching a foreign language online
Yumnam, Rosy. Using folktales in ESL classrooms
Rekha R, Sree. Impact of ICT resources on addressing listening comprehension needs of ESL learners
Bin-Hady, Wagdi Rashad Ali. The role of games in enhancing EFL students' vocabulary acquisition
Jha, Noopur. Effectiveness of task-based and online approaches in English language learning
John, Smita. Language teaching : refashioning the role of the English teacher
Joy, Sherly J. Innovative pedagogical styles in English language teaching : learning in rural context
Jabez, Syam K. Need for tailor-made English coursebooks to meet the desired learning outcomes with special focus on phonetics and spoken English
Woldemariam, Adanech Zemede. Selection and evaluation of podcasts in teaching listening comprehension
Preetha, P.V. An alternative language pedagogy in online classroom language learning
Shukkoor, Sajeena. KaTa model of learning for English education at higher secondary level in Kerala : perspectives of a teacher, trainer and curriculum developer
Algamal, Ameen Ali Mohammed. Beyond the concept of method : teachers as approaches founders
Jabeen, Bushra. Issues and challenges in learning English as a second language and its mitigation
Patil, Anil B. Mastering English and soft skills : a journey from campus to corporate
لغة الوثيقة الانكليزية
البلد اليمن

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