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Showing 1 - 4  From 4  for search 'Curriculum research'
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Article   1.  Current state of the curriculum in Jordanian kindergartens for children with hearing impairments Add to my basket Remove from my basket
al-Zboon, Eman Khleif. Early Child Development and Care. Vol. 187, no. 11, 2017.
Descriptors: Preschool learning - Curriculum research - Observation - Teacher attitudes - Exceptional student education - Kindergarten - Special education - Jordan
Article   2.  Assessing WAC elements in business syllabi Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Nicolas, Maureen. Business Communication Quarterly. v76, n2, Jun 2013.
Descriptors: Business education - Educational principles - Learning activities - Curriculum evaluation - Curriculum research - Second languages - English - Content analysis - Lebanon
Article   3.  Curriculum orientations of pre-service teachers in Jordan : a required reform initiative for professional development Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Ashour, Rateb. Teacher Development. v16, n3, 2012.
Descriptors: Statistical analysis - Preservice teacher education - Educational development trends - Social change - Curriculum research - Teaching methods - Problem based learning - Educational objectives - Psychometrics - Jordan
Article   4.  Developing and piloting a framework for studying the alignment of mathematics examinations with the curriculum : the case of Lebanon Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Osta, Iman. Educational Research and Evaluation. v13, n2, April 2007.
Descriptors: Curriculum research - Curriculum evaluation - Research methodology - National curriculum - Evaluation criteria - Lebanon

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