6(Facet_Subject:("Student research"))
البحث المتقدم طلب المساعدة
عرض 1 - 12  من 12  للبحث '"Student research"'
السجلات في كل صفحة الفرز:
Article   1.  Publication challenges facing doctoral students : perspective and analysis from the UAE Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Hill, Christopher. Quality in Higher Education. Vol. 27, no. 3, 2021.
الواصفات: Postgraduate students - Doctoral degrees - Student research - Student attitudes - Barriers - Periodicals - Gender differences - Student motivation - Knowledge level - Writing skills - Language skills - United Arab Emirates - Middle East
Article   2.  Undergraduate research supervision : a case study of supervisors' perceptions at Yanbu University College Add to my basket Remove from my basket
AlDoubi, Suzan Hassan. Higher Education Studies. Vol. 9, no. 4, 2019.
الواصفات: Undergraduate students - Student research - Supervision - Supervisors - Feedback - Supervisor qualifications - Teacher attitudes - Student role - Female - Experience - Academic teaching personnel - Saudi Arabia
رابط مباشر [Abstract] 
Article   3.  Systematic analysis of the effects of digital plagiarism on scientific research : investigating the Moroccan context Ibn Tofail University as case study Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Ennam, Abdelghanie. Journal of Education and Practice. Vol. 8, no. 2, 2017.
الواصفات: Plagiarism - Scientific research - Case studies - Universities - Student research - Information technology - Undergraduate students - Writing (Composition) - Documentation - Internet - Morocco
رابط مباشر [Abstract] 
Article   4.  Research on social work practice in Egypt and the Arab World Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Megahead, Hamido A. Research on Social Work Practice. Vol. 27, no. 3, May 2017.
الواصفات: Social work - Arabs - Case studies - Social science research - Student research - Graduates - Egypt
Article   5.  Research-based learning for undergraduate students in soil and water sciences : a case study of hydropedology in an Arid-Zone environment Add to my basket Remove from my basket
al-Maktoumi, Ali. Journal of Geography in Higher Education . Vol. 40, no. 3, 2016.
الواصفات: Undergraduate students - Soil conservation - Student research - Science instruction - Teaching methods - Student evaluation - Oman
Article   6.  The research skills of graduate students in the master degree of education at Kuwait University Add to my basket Remove from my basket
al-Yaseen, Wafaa S. Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies. Vol. 7, no. 4, 2013.
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على المهارات البحثية لدى طلبة الدراسات العليا في كلية التربية بجامعة الكويت. تكونت عينة الدراسة من 68 من طلبة الدراسات العليا. ولغرض الدراسة قام الباحث ببناء استبانة تكونت من 48 بندا وزعت على مجالين: المهارات البحثية المطلوبة، والصعوبات البحثية. ولقد تمّ التأكد من صدق الأداة بعرضها على مجموعة من الأساتذة في كلية التربية. أما ثبات الأداة فقد تمّ استخدام معامل ألفا كرونباخ حيث كان معامل الثبات الكلي للأداة يساوي 0.850. وكشفت النتائج أن الطلاب لديهم احتياجات لبعض المهارا ... 
الواصفات: Kuwait University (Kuwait) - Study skills - Student research - Postgraduate students
رابط مباشر [Abstract] 
Chapter   7.  Teaching and assessing graduate students' research skills in English for art education purposes Add to my basket Remove from my basket
al-Jarf, Reima. The International Conference on Teaching English for Specific Purposes. (1st, Serbia, May 17-19, 2013).
الواصفات: Student research - Research - English - Art education - Databases - Training methods - Library instruction - Doctoral degrees - Postgraduate students - Saudi Arabia
رابط مباشر [Abstract] 
Thesis   8.  Cohesion and Coherence in the Essay Writing of Palestinian College Students Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Abusharkh, Bassem. Hebron University Faculty of graduate studies. 2012
الواصفات: Writing - Student research - College students - Palestine
رابط مباشر
Article   9.  Cultivating student agency and teachers as learners in one Lebanese school Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Bahou, Lena. Educational Action Research. v20, n2, 2012.
الواصفات: Action research - Research methodology - Student research - Student role - Intervention - Student teacher relationship - Teacher role - Student participation - Student projects - Data collection - Empowerment - Lebanon
Report   10.  Characteristics of excellence in undergraduate research Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Hensel, Nancy.
Washington : Council on Undergraduate Research ، 2012
الواصفات: Undergraduate students - Student research - Student research - Educational quality - Research projects - Programme evaluation - Educational research - Institutional research - Self evaluation - Junior colleges - Organizational change - Consortia - Professional associations - United Arab Emirates
رابط مباشر [Abstract] 
Report   11.  Characteristics of excellence in undergraduate research Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Hensel, Nancy.
Washington : Council on Undergraduate Research ، 2012
الواصفات: Undergraduate students - Student research - Educational quality - Research projects - Programme evaluation - Educational research - Institutional research - Self evaluation - Junior colleges - Organizational change - Consortia - Professional associations - United Arab Emirates
رابط مباشر [Abstract] 
Article   12.  Distance and e-supervising : experiences and results Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Hamada, Hacene. Revue Sciences Humaines. no. 35, Juin 2011.
الواصفات: Distance education - Supervisors - Doctoral dissertations - Masters theses - Student research - Research and development
رابط مباشر
عوامل التصفية المفعّلة
الواصفات : "Student research"

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 (4) 2012  (2) 2013
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