أثر استخدام استراتيجية التعلم باللعب في تنمية التفكير الرياضي لدى طلبة الصف السابع في مادة الرياضيات في الأردن


This study aimed to detect on the influence of using the learning by playing strategy on the development of mathematical thinking among seventh-grade student’s in mathematics in Jordan, and achieve the aims of the study. The researcher used semi - experimental method well as examined sample. members that formed from 42 students they were distributed in two classes in some schools that join with the Al Mafraq directorate education and these school were selected randomly into two groups: First group is experimental studied according to strategy of the learning by playing and the second group is control group studied as ordinary way. The researcher prepared from the teachers book the unit of spaces and volumes from the second semester from student's book by using the strategy of the learning by playing, and used obtain or a chive test was prepared and detected from the validity of the study tool, as well as its confirm. The results of study showed there are individuals’ difference statistically related at the level of significance (α = 0.05) between two groups of studying, it was for the experimental group, consequence the result showed the effect strategy effect size the learning by playing. The role of the learning by playing influenced on the mathematical thinking skills, on the light of these results the study recommended the teachers of math to use the learning by playing strategy and function at the learning by playing their students. (Author’s abstract)