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فاعلية برنامج قائم على استراتيجية مراقبة النمو المعرفي (K.W.L.A.H) في تنمية مهارات الإملاء لتلاميذ الصف الأول الإعدادي

Type Article
Author علي، سمر سامح محمد محمد. المناهج وطرق التدريس، كلية التربية، جامعة الحلوان.
Varying form of title The effectiveness of a program based on the strategy of monitoring cognitive growth (K.W.L.A.H) on developing first year preparatory school pupils’ dictation skills [Article]
Pages ص ص. 245-311
Host Item Entry مجلة العلوم التربوية. مج. 29، ع. خاص. مؤتمر مستقبل تطوير المناهج في ضوء متطلبات اقتصاد المعرفة (17-18 فبراير 2021)
Electronic Location النص الكامل (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors الفعالية  -  استراتيجيات التعلم  -  النمو المعرفي  -  تنمية المهارات  -  الاملاء  -  طلاب المدارس الابتدائية
Language of document Arabic
Country Egypt
Dictation is a communicative art, a social necessity, and a tool of correct writing. Despite the importance of dictation and the need to teaching it to pupils, the weakness of dictation increased, and this is clearly seen in the field. Where there is a weakness in the dictation skills of pupils in all school levels in general, and first year preparatory school pupils in particular. Those skills were: writing the hamza al-qata 'and alif al-wasl, distinguishing between letters that are written and not pronounced ,and letters that are pronounced and not written, writing the extreme hamza, and writing the middle hamza. The research aimed to developing the dictation skills of first year preparatory school pupils using a program based on the strategy of monitoring cognitive growth (K.W.L.A.H) and measuring it’s effectiveness. The research sample was selected random from first year preparatory school pupils, it was divided into two groups: control and experimental, the researcher prepared a list of the necessary dictation skills for the research sample, then prepared a test to measure their performance in dictation skills, it was applied to the two groups pre-application, then the researcher designed a program based on the strategy of monitoring cognitive growth (K.W.L.A.H) on developing dictation skills for the research sample, then applied it to the experimental group pupils, then applied the test on the two groups post-application. The results proved the existence of statistically significant differences at the level of (,01) between the average scores of control group and experimental group pupils in post-application in the test of dictation skills as a whole and in each skill separately in favor of experimental group, and it also the results proved the existence of statistically significant differences at the level of (,01) between the average scores of the experimental group pupils in the pre and post - applications in the test of dictation skills as a whole and in each skill separately in favor of the post-application. This proves and confirms the effectiveness of a program based on the strategy of monitoring cognitive growth (K.W.L.A.H) on developing first year preparatory school pupils’ dictation skills. (Published Abstract)

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علي، سمر سامح محمد محمد. (2021). فاعلية برنامج قائم على استراتيجية مراقبة النمو المعرفي (K.W.L.A.H) في تنمية مهارات الإملاء لتلاميذ الصف الأول الإعدادي . مجلة العلوم التربوية. مج. 29، ع. خاص. مؤتمر مستقبل تطوير المناهج في ضوء متطلبات اقتصاد المعرفة (17-18 فبراير 2021). ص ص. 245-311 Retrieved from