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برنامج مقترح للطفل الكفیف لمعالجة الصعوبات التي تواجهه عند التحاقه بالمدارس الإبتدائیة بمحافظة الطائف

Type Article
Author طلبة، منى حلمي عبد الحميد. كلية التربية، جامعة الطائف
Varying form of title A suggested program for blind child to overcome faced difficulties when joining primary school in Taif [Article]
Pages ص ص. 269-305
Host Item Entry دراسات عربية في التربية وعلم النفس. ع. 58، فبراير 2015
Electronic Location النص الكامل (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors الاطفال  -  الطلاب ذوو الاحتياجات الخاصة  -  المعوقات  -  المدارس الابتدائية  -  الطائف (السعودية)
Language of document Arabic
Country Egypt
The research aimed at identifying difficulties faced by the blind child when joining the primary school and designing a suggested program to avoid these difficulties, which are the result of not joining kindergarten. To achieve this goal, the researcher answered the following research questions: What are difficulties faced by the blind child when joining the first primary grade because of not joining kindergarten? What is the importance of avoiding these difficulties for the child to continue and be successful in school? What is the suggested program for avoiding difficulties faced by the blind child when joining the first grade as a result of not joining the kindergarten? The study tools were questionnaire addressed to teachers, specialists in the field and parents concerning the difficulties that represent an obstacle to the research participants. The researcher also prepared an observation checklist to measure performance of target participants and relied on conceptualization of suggested program to overcome those difficulties. The research results indicated the low performance level of the paricipants as measured by the observation checklist. The study presented a list of the problems facing blind child when joining the primary school; the difficulties are divided into five main dimensions: 1) difficulty in self-reliance and includes 13 items, 2) difficulty in cleanliness and includes 12 items, 3) difficulty in the system that comprises 12 items, 4) difficulty in training of senses (that includes difficulties in using the sense of touch “12 items”, difficulties in using the sense of smell “10 items”, difficulties in using the sense of taste “8 items”, difficulties in using the sense of hearing “6 items”, and finally difficulties in movement “7 items”, and difficulty in reading and writing with Brail that includes 20 items. In light of previous difficulties list, the researcher prepared a suggested program for blind children in order to avoid difficulties faced when joining first grade elememtary stage. The researcher recommended the need for increased emphasis on research and studies aimed at blind children and the need for paying attention to training their senses before they enter the school to find the best opportunities for teaching and learning process. (Published abstract)

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طلبة، منى حلمي عبد الحميد. (2015). برنامج مقترح للطفل الكفیف لمعالجة الصعوبات التي تواجهه عند التحاقه بالمدارس الإبتدائیة بمحافظة الطائف . دراسات عربية في التربية وعلم النفس. ع. 58، فبراير 2015. ص ص. 269-305 Retrieved from