The purpose of this study was to examine teacher's prospective about the reality and challenges of hard of hearing student's transition from the special classroom to the regular classroom in general education. In addition, this study aimed to identify individual differences of statistical significance in the average response of teachers according to these variables (gender, qualification, specialization, years of experience, grade being taught, courses). The study sample included all the teachers of hearing-impaired students in all educational stages in the Department of Education in the Eastern Region, (the number of teachers, 186). This study used descriptive analytical approach, the researcher prepared the questionnaire as a tool for data collection. The questionnaire consists of (40) paragraphs divided into two axes: the first one talks about the reality and the second addresses the problems. The results of the study confirmed that there are no statistically significant differences on the reality of hard of hearing student's transition from special class to general classroom according to the gender variable, training courses, number of years of service and specialization. While there are differences of statistical significance, as the reality of hard of hearing student's transition from special class to general classroom according to the variable of the academic qualification, classes that are taught, and stage studied. There are some challenges of hard of hearing student's transition are discussed. (Published abstract)
للمزيد من الدقة يرجى التأكد من أسلوب صياغة المرجع وإجراء التعديلات اللازمة قبل استخدام أسلوب (APA) :
الزهراني، علي بن حسن. (2019). واقع انتقال التلاميذ ضعاف السمع من الفصل الخاص إلى الفصل العاد في مدارس التعليم العام من وجهة نظر معلميهم . المجلة العربية لعلوم الإعاقة والموهبة. ع. 8، يوليو 2019. ص ص. 113-148 تم استرجاعه من .