البحث المتقدم

Investigation of grade 11 lebanese students’ misconceptions about the concept of first derivative of a function defined graphically

النوع مقال
رقم الوثيقة 124873
المؤلف Hayfa, Nina. Faculty of Education, Lebanese University
الصفحات pp. 143-166
المصدر مجلة الأبحاث التربوية. ع. 25، 2015
المصدر الالكتروني Full text (PDF)  PDF
الواصفات Secondary school students  -  Comprehension  -  Concept formation  -  Calculation  -  Mathematical concepts  -  Lebanon
لغة الوثيقة الانكليزية
البلد لبنان
This research attempts to investigate the misconceptions, and their eventual causes, of the students in the concept of the first derivative of a function defined graphically. A group of 90 grade 11 participants was chosen from two public secondary schools in the southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanon. A test was administered to the participants; this test contains two parts: I) the graphs of functions are given and derivatives are to be found; II) the derivative(s) of a function at a point and other calculus concepts closely related to the subject are given and convenient graphs are to be drawn. The results of the test were categorized depending on the misconceptions of the participants, and then 36 participants were chosen to have one-to-one interviews. Their 4 teachers were also interviewed. The misconceptions of the participants vary among eight forms and the reasons of these misconceptions vary among eight eventual causes. (Published Abstract)

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Hayfa, Nina.. (2015). Investigation of grade 11 lebanese students’ misconceptions about the concept of first derivative of a function defined graphically . مجلة الأبحاث التربوية. ع. 25، 2015. pp. 143-166 تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .