حاجة الباحث في أصول التربية الإسلامية لعلوم الحديث


The study aimed to highlight the importance of studying hadith sciences for the researcher in the foundations of Islamic education, by explaining the reasons for his need for this science, and the ways in which he can benefit from it. Determining a number of controls that evaluate the path of the researcher when studying the Prophet’s hadith, diagnosing a number of difficulties that may face the researcher in the origins of Islamic education when studying hadith and its sciences, and suggesting some solutions to them. Main results: 1) Knowledge of Hadith sciences in the researcher of the fundamentals of Islamic education ensures not to make mistakes in understanding, inference, and deduction from the Prophetic Sunnah. 2) The importance of the educational researcher's commitment to the methodology proposed in this study when studying the Hadith, such as: Sharia rooting for the educational researcher, and commitment to the receptive approach in Muslims. 3) The necessity of adhering to the rules related to extracting provisions from the Prophetic Hadith helps the researcher in the fundamentals of Islamic education on good understanding, reasoning and deduction. Recommendations: 1) Good preparation for the researcher in the fundamentals of Islamic education by focusing attention on the subject of Hadith sciences for PhD students, and approving its teaching in program plans that do not include this course. 2) To take advantage of the methodology of Hadith modern scholars in documenting, verifying, and criticizing theories and educational sciences borrowed from others. 3) Using modern and renewed technologies put in place to serve the Prophet’s Sunnah in extracting the Hadith from its sources, and access to its various methods and explanations. (Published abstract)