أثر استخدام المدخل البيني بين الجغرافيا والرياضيات في تنمية مهارات البراعة في حل المشكلات البيئية لدى طلاب الفرقة الرابعة شعبتي الجغرافيا، والرياضيات في كلية التربية، جامعة الإسكندرية


The researchers used the experimental approach with a quasi-experimental design with two groups (control and experimental) among students of the two fields, and the research aimed to test the validity of ten hypotheses, and the researchers followed a set of procedures to answer the research questions represented in: First: Preparing the two research tools; 1) “Questionnaire” to determine proficiency skills in solving environmental problems, 2) “Test” to test the skills of proficiency in solving environmental problems, 3)" Scale" is to measure the interconnection between the fields of geography and mathematics. Second: selecting the research sample and applying the tools to them. Third: collecting the data and analyzing them. The most important results of the research is that there are differences Significant between the mean scores of the experimental group as a whole, and the averages of the control group as a whole in the proficiency test at the level of 0.05 in favor of the average of the experimental group for the research, as well as the measure of the interconnection between the two fields, which indicates that the guideline has caused a statistically significant change in favor of the experimental group. Research may benefit those in charge of developing programs for preparing geography and mathematics teachers in the Faculties of Education in the Arab Republic of Egypt. (Published abstract)