فاعلية بيئة تعليمية قائمة على التلعيب في تنمية مهارات إنتاج البرمجيات التعليمية والتعلم العميق لدى الطالبات المعلمات بجامعة الأقصى


The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of an educational environment based on gamification in developing the skills of educational software production and deep learning among female student teachers at Al-Aqsa University. To achieve this aim, the researcher followed the experimental method and the descriptive analytical method in her study. The researcher has prepared five tools Represented by a note card and a product evaluation card for practical skills, to identify the level of the study sample’s possession of educational software production skills, in addition to (a test to measure thinking skills, a test to measure digital cognitive skills, and Rating Scales for effective communication and cooperation skills) in order to identify the level of the study sample’s possession of skills deep learning. The researcher used the experimental method and applied it to a sample of (93) female students from the College of Education and distributed randomly into two control groups consisting of (47) female students who learn in the traditional way, and an experimental group consisting of (46) female students who learned through the gamification-based learning environment. The study concluded that there are statistically significant differences at (α = 0.05) between the mean scores of the students of the control and experimental study groups in the practical skills observation card, the product evaluation card, the thinking skills test (critical, creative, problem solving), the digital cognitive skills test, and the scale to estimate effective communication and cooperation skills, for the benefit of the experimental group, and the study concluded that there is a very large impact size in developing educational software production skills, and deep learning skills. The researcher recommended the need to take advantage of the educational environment based on gamification in teaching topics related to the production of educational software in teacher preparation programs in colleges and universities, and to develop the teacher preparation program in colleges and universities to meet the skills of deep learning, and design effective digital content. (Author’s abstract)