برنامج تدريبي قائم على منحى التعليم الجامع لمعالجة الضعف القرائي والفونولوجي لدى طالبات الصف الخامس الأساسي


This study aimed to reveal the effectiveness of a training program based on inclusive education approach to address the reading and phonological weakness among fifth grade female students. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used the mixed research with a sequential interpretive design, which was based on collecting quantitative data – a quantitative, semi-experimental design through using three research tools (two observation cards for reading and skills and phonological awareness skills, and a test of reading comprehension). Then qualitative data (qualitative research) were collected by identifying the effectiveness of the program based on inclusive education approach to address the reading and phonological weakness from the perspective of a sample of female teachers, parents of female students and the female students of the target group). Gaza Preparatory School (B) for Girls was chosen for application of the experiment. The experimental group was selected purposely after employing the warning indicators related to the inclusive education approach approved by the UNRWA. The sample of the study were (25) female students, to whom the study tools were applied before and after the experiment. Among the most important findings of the study were the identification of two lists which included the most important reading and phonological skills necessary for the fifth-grade students, and the effectiveness of the proposed program in addressing both the reading comprehension and the phonological weakness in all its areas among the female fifth graders. The program also achieved a great effect in the treatment of reading skills in the areas of correct pronunciation of letters, fluency in reading, and writing expression performance, and in all areas as a whole. Based on the results of the study, the researcher recommends that the Ministry of Education and educational institutions disseminate the inclusive education approach effectively with all its requirements with the follow-up of school administrations. The research also recommends establishing an integrative professional and social network and promoting effective partnership between all school community members (management, teachers, parents, psychological counsellors, senior officials, and others). The researchers are recommended to conduct further experimental studies dealing with reading and phonological weakness and skills among students of the basic stage from the first grade until the ninth, according to what suits each grade. (Author’s abstract)