التدريب الإلكتروني في ظل جائحة كوفيد-19 :‎ سورية والعراق نموذجا‎


This research discusses the main challenges faced by some of the trainers and trainees who have experienced e-training in Syria and Iraq (a group of students and teachers at the Syrian Virtual University, and trainers and trainees of the Federation of Arab Trainers syndicates in Iraq). By studying the answers of surveys and personal interviews, the researcher found that there was an important challenge to trainers in the Arab world; the rapid development of technology sciences and the entry of the digital world into all life aspects, especially in human resources science، employment machinery and work requirements; This has caused some technical problems in how to develop training bags compatible with electronic training in terms of presentation and exercises, the use of appropriate body language, session management and, most importantly; Ways to influence trainees and keep them interested and following up during the training session. On the other hand; the researcher found that some trainees، especially those over 35 years old, had difficulties attending virtual training courses, as a result of the lack of knowledge of how to deal with educational platforms and virtual programs. (Published abstract)