أثر استخدام التغذية الراجعة المرئية واللفظية في تعلم مهارة البدء في السباحة الحرة : دراسة تجريبية على طلبة تخصص سباحة جامعة الجزائر 3


Starting stage of the swimmer is one of the most important stages for record achievement, especially at short distances, as it is the reason for the convergence of times between swimmers, by achieving proportions corresponding to some kinematic variables such as high speed of launch. The aim of this study is to know the effect of visual and verbal feedback on starting free swimming skill's learning, and which of these two types has the most impact, and for that we used experimental method by using the Kinovea program for kinetic analysis, as well as a feedback program was designed. We concluded that there is a positive correlation between verbal feedback, visual feedback and learning the skill of starting swimming, as well the results showed that visual feedback has more influence. (Published abstract)