دور الاستثمار في التّعليم في رفع فاعلية كفاية مخرجات النّظام التّعليمي وفق متطلبات تحقيق فرص النّمو الاقتصادي في لبنان : مرحلة التّعليم الثانوي الرّسمي في لبنان نموذجا


The aim of this research is to study the reality of spending on formal secondary education, how it is distributed, and how it relates to the adequacy of the educational system at this stage, and to show the economic return from it. The research was based on the mixed methodology with its sequential explanatory style, and the descriptive approach was used in its design. A sample of principals and coordinators were selected in a stratified random manner, a sample of students in a simple random manner, and a sample of students' families in an intentional manner. The research tools consisted of a questionnaire addressed to principals and coordinators in public secondary schools and their families, an interview with the director of public secondary education, and document analysis. The method of restructuring the school life was applied to a sample of students, and the internal economic return from education. Findings of this research have shown that public spending on secondary education suffers from imbalances in its composition, despite an increase in the levels of quantitative and qualitative internal sufficiency, but it showed the presence of high retention rates in the first secondary grade, waste and money. It also showed that the internal economic return to secondary education for the public sector is higher than the private sector. The research also showed that the total degree of internal qualitative sufficiency was achieved to a high degree, with a rate of 81.25% for principals and 78.14% for coordinators. The research also revealed that the paragraphs of qualitative internal sufficiency oysters related to the applied and skill aspects got the lowest scores, while the theoretical aspects got the highest scores. The results also indicated that there were no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α≤0.05) between the level of specific functional competence due to the variables of the age of the principal and coordinator, administrative experience and experience in the field of coordination, and the governorate for the coordinator, while there are differences Statistically significant between the level of specific internal sufficiency due to the variable of governorate among principals. In addition, the results showed that there was no statistically significant effect at the significance level α≤0.05) between the various educational resources and the level of specific internal sufficiency from Principals and coordinators' point of view. The research concluded with a set of recommendations related to investment in education, qualitative internal sufficiency, and quantitative internal sufficiency, and among the most prominent of these recommendations: increasing public spending on formal secondary education and allocating an important percentage of investment expenditures, accelerating the process of developing and updating curricula. (Author’s abstract)