نماذج التعلم السلوكي كمدخل لتعزيز الاستجابة الجمالية لدى طلاب كلية التصاميم والفنون التطبيقية بجامعة الطائف


The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of behavioral learning models in enhancing the aesthetic response of students of the Faculty of Design and Applied Arts at Taif University, where the theory of behavioral learning sees that behavior is a set of habits learned by the individual and controlled by the laws of the palm and powers The excitement that triggers the police response group. Due to environmental factors and their relationship to personality traits, the applications of this theory revolve around the effectiveness of learning models in supporting the acquisition and retention of knowledge using the quasi-experimental method on a sample of (20) by (10) for both the experimental and control group. The study assumed that the behavior of the aesthetic response is a measurable psychological condition, a nature that can be modified by providing an educational atmosphere that is aided by the receiving of the plastic content, based on the fact that the concept of beauty generates physical and psychological changes in the recipient and provokes his attention and prompts him to respond. The study focused on the emotional dimension that includes values, trends and personality traits that play influence in the formation of an emotional background that enhances the reception of the fields of visual arts in the student, the researcher used the model of (Dunn &dunn) for learning patterns, a model that provides an educational framework based on The theory that each student learns better in his or her own way, and that calls for the diagnosis of the student's preferred type of education and its use in designing the educational environment that suits the personal characteristics and characteristics of the student The study recommended the creation of an educational environment of ceremonies and classrooms in accordance with the (Dunn & Dunn) model, as well as the application of aesthetic response concepts to the areas of design and applied arts. (Published abstract)