توظيف عادات العقل الرقمية في البحث عن الإنترنت لدى طالبات جامعة أم القرى


The current study aimed mainly to reveal the degree of employing digital mind habits in Internet search for undergraduate students at Umm Al-Qura University, And the problem was determined in answering the following question: What is the degree of employing digital habits of mind in Internet search for undergraduate students at Umm Al- Qura University? To achieve this goal, the descriptive analytical approach was used on a sample of (145) female students from the undergraduate college at Al-Qunfudhah University College from a community estimated to have (4860) students selected intentionally, A scale was built to collect data that tested its reliability and reliability. After application and data collection, it was statistically processed, The results have found that the degree of employing digital mind habits in Internet search for undergraduate students at Umm Al- Qura University in relation to both sides: (protecting accounts, data and information, collecting, organizing and evaluating data and information) came With in a high degree. (Published abstract)