مستوى التحصيل الدراسي لدى تلاميذ الصف الأول من مرحلة التعليم الأساسي بالجمهورية اليمنية في كتاب نهج القراءة المبكرة (أقرأ وأتعلم)


The research aimed to identify the level of academic achievement of first grade pupils of the basic education in the Republic of Yemen in the book of Early Reading Approach (Read and Learn). The research targeted four governorates, and the sample consisted of (1616) male and female pupils. The test used as a research tool, which included five reading skills and three writing skills. It was measured after completing the study of the first part of the book (Read and Learn), and the most important results are the following: There is a correlation between the pupils ’average degrees of understanding, comprehension, and fluency in reading text. There is a statistically significant relationship between reading skills and writing skills, and this indicates that pupils who read well write well. The results demonstrated the progress of the first grade pupils level in reading and writing skills at the governorates level, and this indicates the ability of the Early Reading Approach (Read and Learn) to present the skills in an educational manner that led to effective learning. (Published Abstract)