فاعلية مركز الرياضيات القائم على معايير التعلم المبكر النمائية في تنمية مفاهيم العدد لدى أطفال ما قبل المدرسة بمدينة مكة المكرمة


The research aimed to study the effectiveness of a math center based on the early learning standards in developing the number concepts for preschoolers in Makkah city. The researcher used the quasi-experimental method based on the two groups design. The sample consisted of (45) children. TEMA-2, was applied as a pre- and post-test. Data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney Test, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, and Cohen's d. The findings are: There were no differences between the mean scores of the children of the control group in the pre- and post-test. There were differences between the mean scores of children in the experimental group in the pre- and post-test in favor of the post-test, and between the mean scores of children in the control and experimental group in the post test in favor of the experimental group. Great effectiveness of the mathematics center was shown. The researcher recommends motivating teachers to establish math centers in classes for their effective impact on learning. It is essential that teachers make use of the standards’ document in all its levels with more concern about cognitive fields, to be presented through developmentally appropriate practices in the daily program and especially during centers’ time. (Published abstract)