تصورات العاملين في أقسام خدمات المعلومات لواقع ومستقبل خدمات المعلومات في البيئة الرقمية في المكتبات الجامعية الأردنية


This study investigates the status quo and the future of information services in the digital environment in the Jordanian university libraries, from the estimates of Information Services Department's Staff and their perspectives. Study population consisted of 141 staff, of whom 115 or 81.6% responded. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a two-part questionnaire was developed covering the followings: the first part included demographic data about respondents. The second part included four area related to information services in the digital environment in the Jordanian university libraries: the degree of availability of services in the library, infrastructure, human resources, and strategies of developing information services. Results indicated that the information services staff estimates the status quo of information services in digital environment were moderate. Results also revealed that there was no statistically significant differences at the level a=0.05 in perception among information department staff, attributed to gender, qualification, and experience. However, there was a significant difference at the level a=0.05 based on specialization, and in favor of Library and Information Science. Results also indicated a high awareness among information services staff perception regarding the future of information services in the digital environment. However, there were no statistically significant differences at the level a=0.05 among the staff perceptions regard to the future of information services in these libraries, attributed to gender, qualification, and specialization. The experience was the only factor that showed a statistical differences in staff perception at the level a=0.05 and in favor of those with (6-10 years) and then of (5 years or less), of work experience. The study recommended that Jordanian Universities Libraries, need to give information services more attention, and gain the lead for explore new models for information services in lights of digital environment advancements. (Author’s abstract)