أثر اختلاف نمطي الدعم ببيئة التعلم المعكوس في تنمية مهارات التعلم الذاتي والتقبل التكنولوجي لدى طلاب كلية التربية الأساسية بالكويت


The current research aim to detremaine the Effect of different patterns of flipped learning environment for developing the skills of self-learning and technological acceptance among students in the basic Education College in Kuwait. The current search variables are as follow. The independent variable: The pattern of support in the Flipped learning environment, and it has two patterns: fixed support pattern in a Flipped learning environment. Adaptive support pattern in a Flipped learning environment. Dependent variable: The search includes two dependent variables: Self-learning skills. The level of technological acceptance. The research sample consists of 40 studentes from the basic Education College in Kuwait. The researcher prepared three tools: cognitive test, observation card, technological acceptance test. Research results: 1) There are statistically significant differences between the average scores of students in each group separately in the pre and post applications of the achievement test in favor of the post application in each of the two groups. 2) The effectiveness of the adaptive support pattern in developing the knowledge side of the second experimental group, which confirms the effectiveness of the adaptive support pattern and its superiority over the fixed support pattern. 3) There are statistically significant differences between the average students 'grades in each group separately in the pre and post applications for the self-learning skills note card in favor of post- implementation in each of the two groups. 4) The effectiveness of the adaptive support pattern in developing self-learning skills of the second experimental group, which confirms the effectiveness of the adaptive support pattern and its superiority over the fixed support pattern. 5) The convergence of the influence of the modular pattern of providing support to the Flipped learning environment in developing the level of technological acceptance of the two experimental groups. Research suggested some of proposals: Conducting more research and studies on the use of different types of electronic support and measuring their effectiveness in developing many learning outcomes for different groups of learners. The necessity of taking into account the criteria for designing electronic support in its various forms according to the type and nature of support provided to learners and the criteria for producing electronic support within different electronic environments. The need to take into account the individual differences between learners, regarding their needs, methods of learning, and details, and electronic content should be designed to match the needs and desires of learners as possible. The necessity of taking into consideration the foundations and educational principles related to learning theories and methods when designing electronic learning environments based on different patterns of electronic support. The need to prepare training programs for general education teachers during service to develop special aspects of educational support, and to study the nature of different types of educational support. The need to prepare training programs for general education in-service teachers to train them in the use of technological means and the production of e-learning environments, and to employ electronic support in its various forms within it. (Author’s abstract)