إستخدام الاستقصاء الدوري في تنمية مهارات التفكير الاستدلالي والتحصيل في الكيمياء لدى طلاب الصف الأول الثانوي بليبيا


This research aims at using the periodic survey model in teaching chemistry to the first grade students in Libya and finding out the effectiveness in developing the deductive thinking skills and achievement of the first grade secondary students in Libya. The current research, consequently, investigated this main question: What is the effectiveness of the Use of the Periodic Survey Model in the Development of Deductive Thinking and the Achievement in Chemistry for First-Grade Students in Libya? This question branches out into the following sub-questions: 1) What are the skills of deductive thinking in chemistry to be developed for the first-grade students in Libya? 2) What is the proposed concept of a unit in chemistry in the light of the periodic survey model for the development of deductive thinking and the achievement for the first-grade secondary students in Libya? 3) What is the effectiveness a unit in the reformulated chemistry curriculum based on the periodic survey model for the development of the deductive thinking skills of the first-grade secondary students in Libya? 4) What is the effectiveness of the proposed concept of a unit in chemistry based on the periodic survey model in the development of achievement for the first-grade students in Libya? The results revealed the following: 1) The existence of statistically significant difference at the level of 0.001 between the average scores of the experimental and control groups in the post-application to test the deductive thinking skills in chemistry for the benefit of the experimental group. 2) The teaching according to the periodic survey model has a significant impact on the development of deductive thinking skills in chemistry among students in the experimental group. 3) There is a statistically significant difference at the level of 0.001 between the average scores of the experimental and control groups in the post-application to test the deductive thinking skills in chemistry for the benefit of the experimental group. 4) The teaching according to the periodic survey model has a significant impact on the development of deductive thinking skills in chemistry among students in the experimental group. (Author’s abstract)