الوعي بقضية المياه لدى طالبات الجامعة في ضوء خبرات معرفية- إثرائية- مختلفة


The current research aims to compare the effectiveness of three educational and enriching approaches in terms of water awareness among university female students. The study sample consists of female college students in their 2nd and 3rd grades of English, Psychology and Primary Education departments, all from educational sections in Women’s College, Ain Shams University. The researcher use 2 tools in this research one of them Psychometric Test (For a better environment) prepared by the researcher, and the other is (An Intervention Program for develop positive behaviors towards environment) prepared by the researcher. The problem of this study can be phrased in the following questions: 1) To what extent is the degree of awareness of the water issue in the four research groups different? 2) To what extent does the experimental group - the 4th group- exceed than the other groups in the level of environmental awareness? The research was based on Quasi Experimental Methodology in measuring environmental awareness in the issue of water conservation. The research results: 1) There are statistically significant differences in awareness of the water issue among the student groups, which differ according to the enrichment content presented to them. 2) There are statistically significant differences between the average scores of the students in the fourth group for which the enrichment program - and all the other groups in favor of the fourth group- (The Experimental one). (Published abstract)