أثر استراتيجية اختبار الارقام والمعرض المفتوح بالفهم القرائي لدى تلميذات الصف الخامس الابتدائي


This research aims to know the effect of the strategies of testing numbers and open exhibition on reading comprehension among fifth-grade primary school pupils, and to achieve the research goal, the two researchers followed the experimental approach to its suitability of their research conditions, and they selected a sample consisting of (60) students distributed over three groups, one control, and two experimental groups, one studied The three groups read the reading subject, and after completing the experimental procedures, the two researchers prepared a reading comprehension test that included (30) paragraphs of objective tests, and after applying the test to the research sample and analyzing the results statistically, it was clear that the two experimental groups exceeded Control group in reading comprehension test. (Published abstract)