دور إجراءات الأمن والسلامة في الجامعات في تعزيز الأمن النفسي لدى طالبات كليات التربية بجامعة المجمعة


The security has become a general key demand of human life in general and getting larger at the universities where a tributary essential in creating a learning environment for the learner that shows dramatically in the psychological aspects of the educators. Hence, this study sought to answer the main question follows: What is the role of safety and security measures taken by the Majmaah University in promoting the psychological security that I have students in all faculties of education of governorates of Al-zulfi and Majmaah? The study aims at diagnosing the current reality of the colleges of education in the university as well as to know the impact of academic specialization on the psychological level of security for the female students as well as the inventory of proposals that contribute to the activation of safety and security measures of the study sample. The study has been applied in the first semester of the year 1436 according to descriptive survey. The study population includes all students of the Faculty of Education in Majmaah and it is 2229 and the number in Zulfi is 2146 and the study sample was 10% by 438 students. One of the main results of the study to the attention of the existence of the university umbrellas to protect female students from the heat of the sun is located in the priorities of the university's interest in security and safety measures in addition to the female students’ sense of psychological security and stability while they are in college. The study found several proposals from the most important provision of appropriate buildings and constant presence of technicians for the maintenance of electrical appliances and others, as well as the continued presence of officials of the security and safety and continuous training for field staff security and safety. It is the necessity of activating the recommendations contained as stipulated in the regulations of incoming and actions of the university administration and the provision of means of security and safety as well as the administrators and female students of faculties of education and university employees at Majmaah University. (Published abstract)