تحليل كتاب العلوم للصف الخامس الأساسي في السعودية في ضوء منحى التكامل بين العلم والتكنولوجيا والمجتمع والبيئة (stse)


The purpose of the study is to identify the inclusion level of basic fifth grade science textbook in Saudi Arabic for science, technology, society and environment (STSE). The sample of the study entailed all the population which is the two sections of the basic fifth grade science textbook. For data analysis, a content analysis checklist is developed based on the intercorrelational relationships between the elements of (STSE) prepared. The results of the study indicate that the 6th domain ranks first (the environmental concepts, 30%), then the 4th domain (the correlation between science and technology, 16%), 3rd and 7th domains (the impact of society on science and technology, the environmental problems and their effect on society, 15%), the 1st domain (the positive effects of science, technology on society and environment, 14%), the 8th domain (the use of science and technology in eliminating environmental problems, 9%), the 2nd domain (the negative effects of science and technology, environment and society, 6%), and the 5th domain (the determinants of science and technology, 2%), respectively. In light of the results, the study recommends the need to develop school curricula in general, and science textbooks in particular, based on the use of the integrative approach (science, technology, society and environment - STSE) while creating a balance between the eight domains of this approach to be presented in the curricula as the inclusion level of these elements was low. (Published abstract)