المهارات الانتقالية اللازمة لالتحاق أطفال الروضة المكفوفون بالمدرسة الابتدائية بالأردن


The aim of this study was to identify the transitional skills necessary for the transition of blind kindergarten children to the school stage in a Jordanian sample and to recommend kindergarten teachers to provide blind children with these skills in order to reach as much as possible the stage of adaptation and harmony with the eyes. The study sample consisted of (50) teachers from the first grade primary schools in the regular schools and (50) teachers of blind students in the school of the blind first grade. To collect the data, the researcher built a tool that contains all the necessary skills for the blind children in kindergarten, (16 paragraphs), the social dimension (14 paragraphs), the cognitive dimension (17 paragraphs)The researcher built the scale through the use of theoretical literature and previous studies and interviews with teachers kindergarten children blind and primary school teachers to know the most important skills necessary to train children during kindergarten, and after collecting the necessary information, the researcher built a tool, And stability through repetition Kronbach and Alpha, then apply the tool to the sample members, and then reach the results. Where the skills of cognitive skills came in first place from the point of view of ordinary teachers, and the skills of independence in the last rank either in relation to the teachers of blind children, the skills of independence in the first place and the social skills ranked second and the last rank. For the teacher type variable, the result was for the blind teachers, had no effect on the results of the study, where the researcher came out with a set of research and educational recommendations. (Published abstract)