درجة إشراكية الطالب في كتاب الحاسوب المقرر للصف التاسع في الأردن


This study aimed to identify to the degree of the involvement of the student in the computer textbook for the ninth grade in Jordan, To achieve the objectives of this study was used the descriptive method, The researcher developed a study tool (content analysis tool) to determine the degree of the involvement the book for the student in showing the scientific materials, and the activities Romy's formula, validity and reliability were checked, The researcher chosen the sample of the study randomly from to assess the degree of involving content in terms of presentation of scientific material with (30%) from the total pages of the computer textbook, all of them were calculated they were found to be (61) activities, After proceeding the suitable statistics in the program of statistical package for social sciences (spss), The results showed that the involvement the book for the student in showing the scientific materials is equal to (0.29), which is below the acceptable minimum, The results also showed that student involvement through activities is equal to (0.25), which is below the acceptable minimum. In the light of the results of the study, the researcher recommended a number of recommendations, including: the development of the content of the computer book and more participatory presentation of content to the student better. (Author’s abstract)