دراسة تقويمية للأداء التدريسي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس بأقسام الإعلام التربوي من وجه نظر رؤساء الأقسام والطلاب


Modern Societies are keen to develop their educational systems to achieve the highest degree of excellence of educational output. There is a need for modern and effective methods of teaching. the teaching performance for department members has become the focus of regional and global higher education to face the challenges of the 21st century by raising The quality of the teaching performance of the faculty members and improving their efficiency, so the problem of research was identified the reality of the teaching performance of the educational Media members in the faculties of specific education in Egypt and addressing it’s insufficiency. This search may contribute to the development of teaching performance of media educational departments members to improve the quality of the educational process to keep up with the age challenges. It also aims to develop a proposed scenario for evaluating their performance in the light of the field study results and the results of previous Arab and foreign studies. For that the research used descriptive approach, questionnaire tool and interviews, also used analytical descriptive method with its both branches quantitative and qualitative. The research sample consists of all the heads of the current and former educational media departments of the specific education faculties in the universities of Cairo, Ain Shams, Banha, Menoufia and Mansoura. The questionnaire was used and sent to the sample members and received from them after filling (52) Members of the research community. After receiving and reviewing the questionnaires and excluding the invalid ones for analysis, it was found that the number of questionnaires to be analyzed was (46) questionnaires. The study results shown that office hours of professors are not enough. Moreover the methods of teaching are traditional, also courses are very old, while the interaction between professors and students during lectures are good, The results also shown that the exam questions are included most subjects of the courses, also there were strong relationship between professors in the departments of educational media, as well as weak link between the theoretical and practical sides. Moreover, there are week electronic communicate between the professors and the students, and the results showed moderate of the evaluation methods varieties well. The results of the sample concluded that the information is delivered to students through the professors through many types of tools in the lectures, while the students of the educational media showed the relationships are not strong with their professors, especially during the training at schools, also the interaction between two sides theoretically and practically came low. (Published abstract)