أثر التفاعل بين نمط محفزات الألعاب الرقمية (الشارات - لوحات المتصدرين) والأسلوب المعرفي (المخاطر - الحذر) على تنمية قواعد تكوين الصورة الرقمية ودافعية التعلم لدى طلاب تكنولوجيا التعليم


The current research aimed to develop a gamification based environment and discover the effect of interaction between gamification style (badges/ leaderboards) and the cognitive style (risk/ caution) and measure the effect on developing digital photo composition rules and learning motivation among (60) 1st year of instructional technology department students Minya University, in the 2nd term of (2017/ 2018) academic year. The research tools were achievement test, product rubric and learning motivation scale, the results have showed that’s there no interaction between independent variables on the direction of cognitive achievements variable, there was a significant difference as interaction between independent variables on product rubric, and leaning motivation. (Published abstract)