واقع التعليم الإلكتروني (دروس على الخط) في الجامعة الجزائرية : دراسة ميدانية على طلبة سنة ثانية ماستر، تخصص علم اجتماع الاتصال


The aim of this study is to identify the reality of E-Learning in the Algerian University from the point of view of second year students. A number of theoretical factors were discussed, the most important was to define a concept of high Education and ELearning, Learning process elements, contains and benefits, the development of E-Learning in Algeria, and finally the field study. The descriptive approach was adopted. The study sample included 11 students and the questionnaire as a data collection tool. The study reached a number of results, including: 1) The lectures on the website of the El-Oued University (online courses) provide students with equal opportunities to obtain information. 2) Students find a problem in linking the lectures on the website of the El-Oued University (online courses). (Published Abstract)