أولويات تطوير مناهج التربية الإسلامية من وجهة نظر المدرسين


This study aimed to identify the viewpoints of the Islamic education teachers on the priorities, which should be taken into consideration when developing Islamic textbooks. The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach in specifying the problem of the research, which manifested itself in the absence of a constructive strategy for developing Islamic education textbooks and the disregard of teacher’s roles (their suggestion, participation and evaluation) in the textbooks. The study yielded the following results: 1) The majority of the teachers (%89) found that the methods of teaching Islamic education should be developed through incorporating examples and evidences in the textbooks and giving variety of methods and ways of teaching. 2) The majority of the teachers (%85) agreed that developing Islamic education text books should include developing teaching aides, such as (computer programs, tapes, recitation, and religions and documentary film). 3-the priorities of developing Islamic education curricula were as follows: 1) methods of teaching. 2) teaching aides. 3) evaluation. 4) content. (Published Abstract)