مدى تضمين مفاهيم التربية السكانية في كتب الجغرافيا للمرحلة الأساسية العليا في الأردن


The study sample consisted of geography books in the first and second grades of grades 7, 8, 9,10 , And the researcher prepared a list of concepts of population education and a tool to analyze the content of the (46) concepts, distributed in five areas. The results of the study revealed a clear and unbalanced weakness in the comprehensiveness of including the concepts of population education for the contents of the geography books of the high primary in Jordan, and that the field of services and population problems was the most frequent in all the primary and upper secondary education fields. The highest frequency of the concepts of population education, while the tenth grade was the least frequent of concepts. In light of the results of the study, the researcher presented a number of recommendations, including enriching the book geography with concepts of population education, in line with the scientific progress in the world. (Author’s abstract)