إتجاهات البحث التربوي في رسائل الماجستير في تخصصي أصول التربية والإدارة التربوية بكلية التربية بجامعة الكويت : تحليل محتوى


This study aimed to reveal the trends in educational research in the master's thesis in the specialization of pedagogy and educational management at the faculty of education at Kuwait University; by identifying the reality of a set of issues (general data of researcher, academic field, research methodology, sample, the tool used and references). The study has followed the descriptive approach and relied on the qualitative method of collecting and analyzing data using the content analysis method, by conducting the coding process and encryption of sources by using cards to facilitate the classification process, with the total number of cards (153 cards) each card represents one thesis that discussed and approved during the period 2007 to 2017. The cards were labeled and numbering and indexing manually, to simplify the classification process. After that the data was entered in tables with counting of duplicates and percentages for all categories. The results of the study disclosed that the most researcher in the theses were female. Also the number of master's thesis were increased in recent years. As the results have indicated, the educational system and school management have obtained the highest academic fields, and the quantitative researches was the dominant trend, also the most were followed by the descriptive approach. For the sample the majority of the theses focused on samples of the school's leaderships, and they followed the random sample. The most range of samples was between 101-300 people. The questionnaire was the most frequently used tool. The references were mostly total between 31-60, the number of Arabic references 41 and over, and the foreign between 6-15. (Author's abstract)