النموذج البنائى للعلاقات بين التعلم الموجه ذاتيا والذكاء الوجداني ومهارات إدارة الذات لدى طلبة الجامعة


The goal of current research is to arrive at a better structural model defines course of relations between the self-directed learning skills and emotional intelligence and self-management skills and that a sample of Kuwait University students. The study sample consisted of (440) students, including 353 students and 87 students from the academic year 2015-2016 various disciplines scientific and literary in the first semester, with an average life time (20.09). The study measure the learning skills of self-directed to Massad Rabi and Abdul Ghaffar Shezawi and a list of Bar-On of emotional intelligence translation Safa Assri scale self-management skill to Adil Abdali results showed that it can accept the supposed model among university students, according to the indicators matching the quality of after use modeling constructivist using the formula (Liseral 8.71 ). (Published abstract)