تحليل المنهج المطور لرياض الأطفال في ضوء الأهداف التربوية للمرحلة بدولة الكويت


Kindergarten stage considered as a child rehabilitation stage for outside world, far away from his mother's bosom and warmth of his home. Kindergarten developed to overcome the sense of transition and acquire the child some basic skills that can help him in his life through the activities and programs provided which built from a philosophy- based approach, which emerged from general philosophy of education in Kuwait. This study aimed to analyze the kindergarten curriculum by describing the reality of the curriculum and analyzing it after studying the general educational goals, which set by the Ministry of Education. And to reach the extent of goals achievement in the curriculum, the differences between the first and second grades in achieving the objectives and the extent of goals achievement in the educational experiences. The sample of the study was (The developed kindergarten teacher guide) for the first grade and the second grade. Content analysis was used as a tool for this study. Through the design of a specialized form to measure objectives. Statistical methods were used to achieve results. The researcher found that all educational goals were achieved in the kindergarten curriculum, but with huge differences in it and clear differences between the first and second grades. The educational goals have also been achieved in the educational experiences with differences between the educational experiences. The curriculum was characterized by the integrated expertise like integration, inclusiveness, flexibility and continuity. Except gradient feature which lacked the first grade more clearly than the second grade. At last, I wrote suggestions and recommendations based on the results, which will improve the curriculum of kindergartens. (Author's abstract)