درجة امتلاك طالبات السنة التحضيرية بجامعة الحدود الشمالية لمهارات التعلم المنظم ذاتيا


This study aimed at identifying the degree of possession of the students of the preparatory year in the Northern Border University of self-organized learning skills in the light of the variables of faculty and secondary level. The study used a descriptive approach. A questionnaire consisting of 48 items was distributed to the study sample which reached 155 students of the preparatory year. The study found the following results: the results indicate that the estimates of the students of the preparatory year at the Northern Border University of self-managed learning skills were medium in all areas of the tool. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the students of the preparatory year in the degree of their degree to possess the skills of self-organized learning according to the variables of the college, general secondary level the researcher recommended a number of recommendations, including: include university curricula in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia activities and scientific training in order to enhance the potential of students to practice self-organized learning strategies. (Published Abstract)