بيئة اللعب وعلاقتها بالتوافق النفسي البيئي لدى الأطفال في مرحلة الطفولة المتأخرة المقيمين في بيئات متباينة : إسكان عشوائي - إسكان حكومي رسمي


Aims: the research aims to identify the physical play environment represented in home environment, residential neighborhood environment, school environment, in terms of areas allocated for playing and practicing hobbies and activities in children in the late childhood stage residing in slums housing and official government housing. The study sample consisted of 130 male students in late childhood, aged between 9-13 years. Sample: the sample was divided into two groups. The first group was 63 of children from the slums housing in an elementary school in Al-Fardous city in Al-Amiria district, and the second group wa 67 of children from the official government housing in an elementary school in al kablat district in al- Amiria residences. Tools the researcher designed two scales physical playing environment scale and scale of environmental psychological compatibility. Results: the results shows that there were statistically significant differences at significance level of 0.01 between a sample of children living in the slum housing and a sample of children living in the official government housing on the scale of environmental psychological compatibility in favor of the slum housing sample, there were also statistically significant differences at significance level of 0.001 between a sample of children living in slum housing and another sample of children living in the official government housing on the physical playing environment scale in favor of official government housing sample, there are also statistically significant correlation between the degrees of environmental psychological compatibility and the degrees of physical play environment in children living in the slum housing and a children living in the official government housing. Research contributions: designing physical environment playing scale & environmental psychological compatibility scale. (Published abstract)