فعالية برنامج التأهيل التربوي المبنى على كفايات المعلمين في تطوير كل من المعرفة البيداغوجية للمحتوى والتكنولوجية البيداغوجية لمحتوى العلوم لمعلمي الضفة الغربية


The aim of this study is to detect the effectiveness of a “teachers’ competencies based on educational qualifying program” in developing the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) for a sample of Palestinian science teachers in the West bank from both teachers and schools’ principals’ perspectives. The main questions of the study are: What is the effectiveness of a “teachers’ competencies based on educational qualifying program” in developing PCK for West bank science teachers from teachers and schools’ principals’ perspectives? What is the effectiveness of a “teachers’ competencies based on educational qualifying program” in developing TPACK for West bank science teachers from teachers and schools’ principals’ perspectives? Descriptive and analytical approach was used, and the sample, which was on purpose, composed of 121 Palestinian science teachers and 8 principals who were enrolled in the qualifying program and agreed to participate in the study. The data source included a questionnaire, focus groups from teachers, and semi- structured interviews with schools’ principals, Analysis of quantitative data showed that teachers and principals found the program highly effective in developing PCK and TPACK for science teachers, this was confirmed by the qualitative data collected from teachers focus groups and schools’ principals interviews. (Published abstract)