المخاوف المدرسية الشائعة لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية : دراسة وصفية على تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية بأدرار

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The presentstudysaimed to know the widespread of phobiaschoolat the primaryschool. whichhad been used the methodology of description and thissample of studys has formed about 250 pupilsfrom the primaryschools in the wilaya of Adrar. There for, it has been preparing a form of the phobia school by the researcher, the therapy statistic rushed by using the statistic programmeSPSS, and it attainted to the following results: 1) That the school phobias current are allotted according to the kind and nature of the phobia. 2) There are different statistics indicative in it due to the academic years (3 year, 4 year, 5 year) in primary school. 3) There are no different statistics between (boys and girls) in the phobia school. (Published Abstract)