برنامج تدريبي لمعلمات رياض الأطفال قائم على استخدام القصة لاكتساب طفل الروضة بعض المفاهيم التاريخية في العصر الفرعوني


The present study aimed to build a training program for teachers of kindergarten based on the use of the story to gain a kindergarten child some historical concepts in the Pharaonic era, which is divided into (A series of lectures and workshops) that helped the parameters of the study sample to employ storytelling activity effectively to give the kid kindergarten many of the general concepts and concepts Historical in the Pharaonic era where private educate them with information and events for this period and how to simplify the child through the story. The study was based on a quasi-experimental method with one group in the practical application of the program, using two measurements prior and subsequent to test anecdotal activities, card note (study) tools, was the most prominent results of the study of the training program for kindergarten teachers and motivate them to effective use the story to gain a kindergarten child some historical concepts in the Pharaonic era after their familiarity with this era. The study recommended that kindergarten teachers benefit from the results of research studies and trained constantly on how to employ storytelling activity in the kindergarten, and organize training courses for teachers on historical concepts and teaching them how to kindergarten children. So we hope that the results of the current study contributes to the development of national belonging in A alferd since childhood through his knowledge of history and his homeland, working on Al thagev historic kindergarten teacher in eras different time much of meetings, courses and workshops that increase the culture of the parameters of history and then culture of the child, and to ensure the use of modem learning strategies to give the child the different concepts and are covered in the research studies Msqublah cover other aspects not covered by the current study. (Published abstract)