التخطيط الإستراتيجي للمعلومات ودوره في دعم قطاع المكتبات في الجزائر

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The spectacular scientific and technological progress, realized by human societies in the twentieth century, influenced effectually life style in all modern societies. The information technology, in particular, contributed in this progress by facilitating the reception of information speed, the speed of its handling and its use, in all the operations to fulfil the needs of the modern life, or the needs of the information society and knowledge which exposed new values, concepts and procedures. It also imposed on us severe challenges. It predicted new conflicts and showed the importance on knowledge, language and culture. It became an affluence system of information that represents the most important investment in benefits of the society. The affluence system of information needs to take necessary forethoughts at the level of the country, mainly in the sector of libraries and information and what derives from it as institutions. As we notice, the sector of libraries and information is regarded, in the developed countries, as the stimulator element in creating new employment and activating the economy. The information technology has a great importance in the development of different sectors of economy and also of the progress of local and the worldwide economy. However, we find that, in developing countries, the sector of libraries and information is still at its beginning. Thus, those countries have to invest in the field of communication and information to get benefits from the information revolution and use it to in the process of the country development. That is the key of the countries’ progress and their readiness to go side by side with the developed countries towards the third millenary. The concept of the strategic planning is one of the most important administrative ones which spread out the last years and has a tight relationship with that of the institution services. It provides an effective work atmosphere that helps see several tasks related to the development the institutions concerned with information and realize the relationship between those tasks. It gathers information about a group of work, the abilities, the facilities, the equipments and the programming, the fund’s investment and temporal bonding which are necessary to all the steps in the process of development. Here then lies the importance of the strategic planning of information as the fundamental centre in building the sector of libraries and information able to complete in the information era. The planning and the readiness and the strategic guidance are tools of the information society and knowledge. In our present study of the strategic planning of information, we focused on the elements of the strategic planning represented by the vision, the message the goals and the values sought by the planning in the field of informatics, to find out elements that contribute to the right application of the strategic planning, helps success in the different administrations, shows off the most important challenges and hindrances that hold back the right use of the strategic planning of information and to get the most important suggestion to face those hindrances. To answer what the origin essence the strategic planning of information and its role in reinforcement libraries. (Author’s abstract)