درجة تضمين كتب الاجتماعيات في المرحلة المتوسطة في دولة الكويت لمشروعات التعلم الخدمي


This study aimed to know The Degree of Embedding Service Learning projects in the Social Education Textbooks at the Intermediate Stage in Kuwait, and investigating the variables effects gender, scientific qualification and years of experience. The descriptive method is used, and the study sample consisted of 280 male and female teachers. Study instrument consisted of a questionnaire with 31 clauses distributed of four fields which are (the healthy, environmental, social, economic, and the scientific and cultural). Study results showed that the degree of the study sample individuals estimation of service learning projects that should be included in the state of Kuwait came at high degree, also the results showed the absence of differences with statistically significance of significance levels a≥0.05 attribute to the variables effect (gender, scientific qualification and years of experience). In all fields of the service learning projects that should be included in the social textbooks in the intermediate stage in the state of Kuwait. Also the results revealed that the degree of the study sample individuals estimation of the service learning projects actually included in the social textbooks in the intermediate stage n the state of Kuwait came at medium degree, and the absence of differences with statistically significance a significance level a≥0.05 attribute to the variables effect (gender, scientific qualification and years of experience in all of the service learning projects fields actually included in the social textbooks in the intermediate stage in the state of Kuwait. In light of the study results, a set of recommendation has been introduced, the most important are that those who have the interest in setting the social curriculum in the intermediate stage should include the service learning projects. (Author’s abstract)