مدى مراعاة كتب التربية الاجتماعية للمرحلة المتوسطة في دولة الكويت لمفاهيم الأحداث الجارية من خلال تحليل محتواها


The study aimed to identify the concepts related to current events and be included in the books of social studies middle school, find out the extent to which wrote Social Studies intermediate stage of the concepts of current events, study the analytical method used by the method content analysis of books and social studies middle school (sixth through ninth) in the Kuwait, and the study population consisted of all the books of social studies middle school from the sixth grade until the ninth grade in the State of Kuwait, and the study found that the highest percentage to include the ongoing Alakhaddat was a book of social studies to sixth grade, followed by a book of social studies to eighth-grade, and then the seventh grade and came in ranked last book of the ninth grade, the study also found that the book social Studies grade VI contains 24 ongoing event, and the percentage 54.5% which is low, and the book social Studies seventh grade contained 11 ongoing event and the percentage 25% which is a very low rate, and that the book social Studies eighth-grade contained 16 ongoing event and percentage 36.4% which is a very low rate, and that the book social Studies for the ninth grade had contained 10 events going by 22.7% which is a very low rate. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommends a review of the drafting written social studies middle school so that the current events incorporate significantly by taking advantage of the list prepared by the researcher, and the training of teachers of Social Studies at the entrances and ways to use current teaching events. (Author’s abstract)