طرائق تدريس مادة النحو في مرحلة الأساس ودورها في رفع مستوى التحصيل الدراسي : دراسة تقويمية – محلية أبو جبيهة – الحلقة الثالثة نموذجا في الفترة من (2009-2012م)


The researcher has dealt with the grammar teaching methods, basic education phase and the role it plays in up-grading schooling level, it is a (revamping study), singling out the third stage, as an example, conducted at Abu-Jubaiha locality during the period (2009-2012). The aim of this study would be to mend teaching methods on grammar subject at the basic education phase (third stage) in order to arrive at the following: 1) Grasping the prescribed grammar teaching methods at stage three of basic education phase in Abu-Jubaiha Locality. 2) Ensuring how far teachers do stick to the right teaching methods at the third stage of basic education phase. In Abu-Jubaiha locality. 3) Grasping teaching methods that help teach grammar subject at the third stage of basic education phase. 4) Trying to know to what extent grammar teaching methods at the third stage of basic education phase in Abujubaiha locality result in upgrading schooling level. To obtain the objectives of this study, the researcher has employed the descriptive analytical methods based on questionnaire, to gather relevant data. The most important results the researcher has gained are: 1) The teaching methods followed here are both a logical and inductive. 2) Because of the shortage of time allowed teachers are unable to commit themselves to the right steps of teaching methods of grammar at the third stage of basic education phase. 3) The teaching methods required are (Audio, visual and audio-visual). 4) Methods of teaching grammar subject have really upgraded schooling level. The Most important recommendations are: 1) Upgrading of educational curricula at basic education phase in general and grammar subject in particular, in accordance with relevant studies conducted, in order to keep abreast with modern times. 2) Making available of school books and teachers handbooks that show how to teach the prescribed grammar curriculum. 3) Actualize the role of school administration and educational inspection in respect of guidance and follow-up, within the basic education phase. (Author’s abstract)