تصميم تعليمي-تعلمي وفقا لأنموذج كولب المعدل وأثره في فاعلية الذات الرياضية والتحصيل عند طلاب الرابع العلمي


The aim of research is to build instructional design learning according to the amended model of Kolb and find out its impact on the effectiveness of mathematic self and achievement in mathematics for students of 4th scientific grade class, and to achieve the objectives of the research the researcher adopted experimental method, and use semi- experimental design for two experimental group and control group of post- test for the effectiveness of mathematic self and achievement in mathematics. The sample consisted of search 65 fourth grade students was selected by way of intent, the sample is divided into two groups on the basis of the results of amended styles learning of Kolb and the convergent method is top rate, became owners of this method represent the experimental group of 32 student and studied in tutorial-learning design and the rest representing the control group and their number 33 studied by normal way. The equivalence has been made between the two sets of search in variables (age, previous achievement in mathematics, previous information, intelligence, effectiveness of mathematical self). The researcher made a building instructional design learning according to the results of amended learning styles of Kolb as convergent method was higher by 48% of the total sample, and who prefer learning by exploration since the portal systemic of models that help for exploration so I followed his steps in research as well as research tools to build a gauge the effectiveness of mathematical self which consisted of 23 paragraph included positive and negative paragraphs and check the validity of the building of it and displayed on a group of arbitrators and specialists in educational and psychological sciences and methods of teaching mathematics as well as calculated scale firmness, and built a collection test consisted of 36 clause include objective paragraphs of type (multiple choice) and essay paragraphs after analysis of mathematical content which verify and reliability, behavioral targeting, and verification of content and sincerity of construction of collection test, then the test was calculated, and detection the coefficient of difficulty and discrimination and coefficient of effectiveness a false alternatives. Experience applied in the first and second semesters of the academic year 2014-2015, the researcher teaching of two groups of research as studied experimental group by tutorial – learning design and control group studied according to the normal way. After teaching two groups measure effectiveness of mathematical self applied and collection test on two sets of research, a number of statistical methods used in both action research or analysis results (t-test for independent and non-equal, equal, equivalent Alpha-kronbakh, the Pearson correlation coefficient, coefficient of correlation of Gateman, test of "ETA" box to extract the effect size of the independent variable on each dependent variable). Search Results: 1) There is statistically significant difference at the indication level 0.05 between the middle grades group of experimental and the control group in in collection test in favor of students degrees of the experimental group. 2) There is statistically significant difference at the indication level 0.05 between the middle grades of group and the control group and experimental group in collection test for the favor degrees of experimental group students. In the light of the results, a researcher came out with a number of conclusions and recommendations and proposals conclusions including; 1) Instructional design learning impact according to amended model of kolp in the effectiveness of the mathematical self and increase student achievement more than the usual way. 2) The instructional design learning contributes to give the teacher a new role in reorganizing of scientific content away from random and commensurate with what he wishes to accomplish of educational goals. Recommendations including: 1) Circulate the proposed design in the teaching of mathematics is important in effectiveness of mathematic self and achievement in mathematics. 2) Take into account the knowledge structure for students when designing curricula for mathematics, and to reflect on how to organize the scientific content. Proposals including: 1) Conduct research to ascertain the impact of the proposed design on the effectiveness of mathematic self and development ability to solve problems in other phases of the study. 2) Research of comparison using other forms of learning such as paradigm (Dunn and Dunn) and a model (fielder and Silverman) with the modified model of Kolb to know learning style preferred with over model. (Author’s abstract)