منهاج التكنولوجيا في فلسطين : دراسة تحليلية


The present study aims to reveal the extent of hierarchical sequencing of technology curriculum fields for the 5th to 10th grades. It also aims to identify the relative weight of cognitive and psychomotor objectives in the same curriculum. The study was conducted during the first semester of the school year 2010-2011, using the content analysis method to analyze the contents of technology books for the 5th to 10th grades. The results showed that the field of “Information and Communication Technology” is the best in terms of hierarchical sequencing, and it also has the largest representative weight among technology curriculum fields with a percentage of 39.9%, while the fields of “Technology and Technological Systems” and “Energy Resources and its Uses” are the lowest in terms, of hierarchical sequencing and representative weight among technology curriculum fields, with representative weights 6.8% and 10.4% respectively. The results also showed that cognitive behavioral objectives represent 71.2% of the total behavioral objectives of the curriculum, while the psychomotor behavioral objectives represent 28.8%. The study provided a proposed framework for technology curriculum fields and their hierarchical sequencing for the 5th to 10th grades. In addition, it recommends comparative studies be conducted between technology curricula in Palestine and some Arab and foreign countries. (Published abstract)