المكونات الأساسية لأساليب التعلم لدى طلبة الجامعة


The researcher strats his work from the point of interferences and the similarirites between the samples of learning on one hand and the tools of learning styles on the other hand. Unlike Iraq, such a problem is considered the base of many researchers and studies both in Arabic and foreign countries as this phenomenon of interferences and similarities represents a problem on the theoretical level, particularly from the clear disagreement on a unified definition and its limits. On the practical level, there is another problem, which is represente by the large numbers of tools and strategies, which exceeded seventy. The research aims at identifying the main components of learning styles to come up with a suggestes model in the light of the results. To achieve that, the researcher adopts Coffield at al. (2004) model of learning styles, which is considere the latest, and the most reliable model from an academic point of view. According to this model, the researcher adopts five different models, which are riding’s model of cognitive styles analysis, Kolb’s model, Jackson’s model, Vermunt’s model and Gregorc’s model, that explain learning styles and uses their tools to measure this variable on the research sample. The researcher, after translating the tools and making the cognitive style analysis measure and preparing the descriptive statistical features and analyzing the elements of measurement tools and its psychometric features, apply the tools on research sample which consists of 680 students (men and women) from different colleges at the university of Wasit from scientific and literary field on the four stages. By using the factor analysis with the principal components Analysis (PCA) oblique rotation/ Oblimin, the results show new structure of learning styles. The researcher explains these results and put a suggestes hierarchal factor of learning styles. (Author’s abstract)