المهارات العملية الرئيسة لمادة الفيزياء لطلاب المرحلة الثانوية بالسودان


This study was entitled “Physics’ Basic Practical Skills that appropriate to be taught to Secondary School students in Sudan”, the study came as an attempt to develop secondary school physics’ textbooks through investigating the practical aspects of this issue. The motivation to investigate into this study arose from the problems realized in the content of physics’ textbooks; for example, the content philosophy adopted to prepare these textbooks did not consider equipping students with the scientific methodology. It also ignores students’ mastery of the essential practical skills. Not only but also the content of these textbooks pay a very little attention to the relevance of its content to students lives and their realities in an appropriate manner. The significance of this study emerged from the fact that it shed light on the strength and weakness of contents of physics' textbook used in the secondary school regarding the secondary this level as a highly important pre-university level in preparing students for the enrolment in the specialized study. The scientific advancement in general and physics in particular makes such study of a particular significance. This study aimed at achieving certain objectives the most important of these were; introducing the basic practical skills that are appropriate to be taught to Secondary School students in Sudan as well as the skills that supposed to be included in the textbooks. The study also aimed at determining the basic practical skills to be imply in the textbooks’ content. Furthermore, the study aimed at identifying if there were any statistically significant differences between the views of the participants in the study’s sample toward the basic practical skills that suit secondary schools’ students in Sudan. To achieve the desired objectives the study adopted the descriptive method; to collect the data, a questionnaire was use. After that, the questionnaire was distributed to a sample consisted of 100 secondary inspectors and schools schoolteachers teaching physics in Khartoum state. The data collected was analyze using SPSS. The study came out with a number of findings could be state as follow: the practical skills of physics included in the 1st and 2nd year textbooks were qualitatively and quantitatively inadequate; whereas, the skills included were quantitatively adequate but qualitatively inadequate. Meanwhile, there was an absence of practical skills implied in the 3rd year textbooks. The study also found that there were statistically significant differences between the views of the members of sample regarding the basic practical skills that are appropriate to be taught to Secondary School students in Sudan. At finally yet importantly, the study suggested the main practical skills appropriate for to be taught for secondary schools level in Sudan. In the light of these findings, the study recommended the following: the time allotted to the periods for the 2nd year class should be increase in order to properly represent the skills that suggested to be taught. The study also recommended evaluating the teacher based on their performance on the practical experiments. Teachers also should be expose to every up-to date and trendy issue in physics teaching particularly in the skill-based field in term of using equipment, apparatuses and materials in implementing lab experiments. Not only but also determining how to deal with these experiments and providing alternatives to it as far as possible. (Author’s abstract)