أثر أنموذج بيركنز وبلايث في تحصيل طالبات الصف الرابع الأدبي بمدة علم الاجتماع وتفكيرهن الاسـتدلالي


The aim of the study is to identify the (the effect of Perkins’ and Blyth’s model in the achievement of the fourth grade students of literary branch in the subject of sociology and their deductive thinking). The sample of the research includes 80 female students from fourth grade of literary branch from Al-Yusur Secondary school for Girls in the Directorate of Education and Wasit/ Kut. The sample was distributed randomly into two groups, one experimental group which consisted of 40 students and the other control group consisted of 40 students. The two groups of students studied sociology material for fourth grade students studied the literary branch as the experimental group studied according to Perkins’ and Blyth’s Model, and the control group studied in the traditional method. The study’s two groups of students (experimental and control) were matched in the variables (intelligence, as amended, chronological age-month period, test of indicative thinking). The researcher and taught the two sets of research (experimental and control) in accordance with the teaching of the plans she has prepared. The researcher prepared two tools are: achievement test, which includes 40 an objective items of the multiple choices, includes four levels (remembering, Comprehension, application, analysis) of the levels of Bloom's cognitive domain, the validity and constancy and the difficulty of its items and its discriminatory power and effectiveness of alternatives confirmed. The test was used inductive thinking prepared by Khazraji 2007, consisting of 30 of objective items of multiple choice type, the validity and constancy and the difficulty of its items and the power and effectiveness of its discriminatory alternatives. The analysis of results and research procedures, the following statistical methods (T-test for two independent samples, difficulty coefficient, discriminatory power, the effectiveness of alternatives, Kuder–Richardson -20 Chi-square) has shown the study had the following results: 1) There is a statistically significant difference at the level of 0.50 between the average score two research (experimental and control) in the (achievement test) in favor of the experimental group students who studied using the model of Perkins and Blyth. 2) There is a statistically significant difference at the level 0.50 between the two groups of students average score (experimental and control) in total degrees of deductive reasoning, for the benefit of students who studied using the model of Perkins and Blyth experimental group. In light of the results reached in the researcher to a number of conclusions about the use of the teaching model Perkins and Blyth, and recommended a set of recommendations and proposals that can benefit the teachers and concerned as well as the curriculum and methods of teaching social studies and general material sociology in particular. (Author’s abstract)